Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day de THATS some alliteration....

First off...sorry we haven't had a chance to update!  The hotel we stayed at in DC charges for internet....apparently nice hotels can do that.  Cool.

But let me back up, I'm getting a head of myself. *clears throat*  So we left Nashville, womp womp, and drove the 12 hours it took to get to DC.  So Tennessee is pretty, dont get me wrong...we had some rolling hills and great vistas to look at, but then we arrived in Virginia.  Tennessee quickly because the ugly step child.  So here is how our conversation went for 12 hours:

R: Dude, Kia LOOK...
K: OH MY GODDDD, How BEAUTiful (trying to give you an idea of emphasis here people....)
R: I know right...this will probably never get old...

K: Dude! Oh my goddd...
R: O wow! Geez...this is so NICE
K: what a great drive

ok now add 12 hours of the same talk...IT REALLY NEVER GOT OLD!

Enough Talk...I'll just show you :)

So like I said...our road trip = The Bomb . Com <-- yes I just said that. deal with it.

So after the greatest landscapes ever...we arrived in DC!  We stayed at the the Hyatt Regency at Capitol Hill (freaking whoop....kind of)

So the great thing about this hotel is that we were 2, let me repeat, TWO, blocks from the capitol (just in case you didn't read what the hotel was called...) Our rooms were very nice and our breakfast my have been the best breakfast I've ever my life.  MINUS my grandmothers chocolate chip pancakes...because I swear she cooks them in crack...different story for a different day.

So we get to our hotel room and Kia and I are really excited. Then we find out we have to pay for internet...BOOO.  Alas, we prevail and decide lets go out...whatever Hyatt.

We attempt to "pre-game" with Miller light in an ice But hey, can't say we didn't try.  So as we are getting ready we get this knock on our, we were not expecting anyone.  Load and be hold its security telling us we've received a noise complaint and we need to be more quiet.  LETS REVIEW SHALL WE....

(1 hr earlier)...
Wow, awesome room....
Dude ya...this is great (apparently we say dude a lot, glad were 13 yr old boys circa late 90s)
*Turns on TV to normal sound level of any reasonable human being*
Begin to put on make up...which any girl knows requires looking into a mirror and making a really large "O" shape with your mouth while you go your mascara...i.e. NO NOISE.
If ANYONE can figure out where our noise complaint came from...feel free to let me know...

Moving we go out.  Freaking Word.  We meet up with one of Kia's boys, Cedric and go to this cool area in DC for the "youngins".  Basically we have a BADASS night in DC.  We go back to the hotel to chill...the 3 of us are chatting.  For those of you who know me...I can be loud. I'm WELL aware of this. I am also able to admit when Im being loud...I know loud WELL.   Apparently the 3 of us were too loud and along comes noise complaint 2.  Our definitions of "loud" and our neighbors are very different...So what does one do in a noise complaint conundrum?  A NOISE COMPLAINT WAR.

So a trip to security is had...we move rooms and LETS JUST SAYYYYY, there were no more noise complaints.

So our day in DC was filled with Smithsonian Museums, the National Mall, The Washington Monument, the Lincoln Statue, and the White House....By the by....we definitely walked ALL of that.  Kia's sandals were not "walking long distance" friendly...basically we weren't happy campers by the end of it = LONG ASS NAP IN THE HOTEL.

Ok So the next day is a lot of travel to NYC and thats where have been the last few days. You will get that update tomorrow!

Peace, Love & Photos


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